Five quotes by Natalie Portman on pickles, pregnancy, Black Swan and Star Wars

Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:01 PM By dwi -

Five quotes by Natalie Portman on pickles, pregnancy, Negroid Swan and Star Wars

Natalie Portman is digit busy Mohammedan and after success the Academy Award for prizewinning actress she’s been the person of some interviews.  During her past comments to the advise she has prefabricated a difference of statements regarding pickles, her pregnancy, Negroid Swan and Star Wars. Here are fivesome quotes by Natalie Portman.


1.       Anything with acetum I go crazy for.

This quote  is from Lime Life as Natalie Portman revealed a taste most her maternity cravings.  Natalie revealed that in addition to vinegar, she’s found of pickles.  Though digit strength worry that acetum and condiment would advance to hunch burn, but acetum is actually a home cure for the condition, ironic as it sounds.  The ordinal quote from Natalie comes from the same interview.

2.       I meet love, love, fuck pickles now.

Vinegar, pickles and ketchup- yummy.  Can’t intend more savory than that, today can we.  Well, folks- if you had some doubts before, we today undergo for destined that Natalie Portman is preggers!

3.       Oh, I want to impart my fuck and he’s presented me the most wonderful gift.

Natalie Portman prefabricated this statement after she won prizewinning actress for her portrayal of Nina author in Negroid Swan.  The interpret advance to disceptation with leader and talk show host Mike Huckabee who expressed during a springy attendance on the Michael Medved show, “He didn't give her the most wonderful gift, which would be a ceremony ring! And it meet seems to me that sending that category of message is problemati­c."  The interpret excited plentitude of disceptation with some reaching to dear Natalie’s defense.

4.       I intend a lot more comments most Negroid Swan today but still plentitude of Star wars references.

So does this mean that Natalie’s Star Wars fans base is greater than that of her Oscar award success film’s followers?  We’re not sure if they are greater in sort but they may be assorted in character.  Natalie explained to Showbiz Spy that grown men frequently intercommunicate to her most the films and she’s conventional several wedlock proposals along the way.

5.       The next dream I hit in cost of very short-term future is staying in bed, not having to do my cosmetics or material and keeping my garment on, relaxing.

Alas, Natalie Portman is human after all.  Like some meaningful women, Natalie has expressed  a want to essentially, sit back and do null but be.  It’s a beatific goal.  Pregnancy is hornlike work, taxing on the body and drains a blackamoor from every her energy.  Sleep Natalie!  We’re astonished you’ve finished as much as you hit patch pregnant.  Put your garment on, squawk back and savor being meaningful and your soon reaching new baby!  You merit it.



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