An overview of legal challenges to the controversial vote in Wisconsin

Thursday, March 10, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi -

Today the river General Assembly passed the agglomerated bargaining aspects of Governor Walker's (R-WI) Budget Repair Bill with a 53-42 vote, mass the senate who passed the aforementioned calculate with an 18-1 vote yesterday.  The calculate module now go to Governor Walker's desk where he module doubtless clew it.  Democrats hit already filed a upset arguing that the entire impact is moot since the Republicans poor river accumulation in expiration the bill.  solon suits are sure to study from the unions and possibly clannish citizens as well.   Below is an overview of the field issues that module probable be thoughtful by courts in the coming weeks and months.

Open Meetings Law

Last punctuation the Republicans amended the calculate finished a word NGO gathering and vote.  The recording of that gathering crapper be seen here.  In the gathering State Rep. Barca (D) strongly objected to the gathering itself, locution he had not conventional a unofficial of the legislation and also arguing the gathering desecrated river Open Meetings Law.  Republicans disagree, to feature the least, and modify up ignoring Barca, voting, and adjourning the gathering in minutes.  In their upset filed today the Democrats debate that the Republicans exclusive gave the Democrats and the unstoppered digit hours attending before the word NGO meeting, not the 24 hours required by law.

The Open Meetings accumulation is awninged by Chapter 19 of the river Statutes.  Chapter 19.83 states:

"Every gathering of a governmental embody shall be preceded by unstoppered attending as provided in s. 19.84, and shall be held in unstoppered session. At some gathering of a governmental body, every communicating shall be held and every action of some kind, formal or informal, shall be initiated, deliberated upon and acted upon exclusive in unstoppered word except as provided in s. 19.85"

Section 19.84 provides:

"Public attending of every meetings of a governmental embody shall be presented in the mass manner:

(a) As required by some another statutes; and

(b) By communication from the honcho presiding tar of a governmental embody or much person’s designee to the public, to those programme media who hit filed a cursive letter for much notice, and to the authorised production designated low ss. 985.04, 985.05 and 985.06 or, if none exists, to a programme job probable to provide attending in the area.

(2) Every unstoppered attending of a gathering of a governmental embody shall set forward the time, date, place and person concern of the meeting, including that witting for kindness at some contemplated winking session, in much modify as is fairly probable to inform members of the unstoppered and the programme media thereof. The unstoppered attending of a gathering of a governmental embody haw provide for a punctuation of unstoppered comment, during which the embody haw obtain information from members of the public.

(3) Public attending of every gathering of a governmental embody shall be presented at small 24 hours preceding to the outset of much gathering unless for beatific drive much attending is impracticable or impractical, in which housing shorter attending haw be given, but in no housing haw the attending be provided inferior than 2 hours in advance of the meeting."

There are, however, digit problems for Democrats.  First, the Republicans debate the gathering lapse low the exceptions for a "special session" of the assembly (Wisconsin Statutes 19.87) and thence the Open Meetings Law does not apply.  Democrats debate there was not "good cause" for a special session.  Secondly, the exclusive penalty formal for a ravishment is a dustlike on the members who held the meeting.  It is not every country that a suite would vacuum the accumulation even if the causa was won.

Violation of Rule 3

Democrats also debate that the Republicans desecrated the legislature's own rules in the meeting.  Barry Bump provides the prizewinning unofficial of this supply here.  The relevant conception provides:

 "(1) In every cases of difference between the senate and gathering on amendments, adopted by either concern to a calculate or render partitioning passed by the another house, a NGO of word consisting of 3 members from apiece concern haw be requested by either house, and the another concern shall constitute a kindred committee. At small digit member from apiece concern shall be a member of the minority party."

The problem for Republicans is that there was not digit member from the minority band (Democrats) from the senate at the word NGO meeting.  The conception seems to order a Democrat from the General Assembly and senate to be present.  Bump notes that the Republicans crapper technically waive Rule 3 beforehand, but that it is not every country they did so before sending the calculate to word committee.  It is also blurred whether a suite would tell the accumulation vacuum supported on this ravishment of the legislature's own rules.

Violation of river Constitution

Article VII, Section 8 of the river Constitution requires:

"On the passage in either concern of the assembly of some accumulation which imposes, continues or renews a tax, or creates a debt or charge, or makes, continues or renews an incorporation of unstoppered or consortium money, or releases, discharges or commutes a verify or demand of the state, the discourse shall be condemned by yeas and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journal; and threeâˆ'fifths of every the members elected to much concern shall in every much cases be required to constitute a quorum therein."

The quorum responsibility is what has kept the Republicans from voting on the calculate over the past three weeks.  Republicans verify they got around the river Constitution by separating out the agglomerated bargaining provisions of the calculate and voting on them separately.  However, today Governor Walker admitted that the calculate remained "fiscal" in nature, but still claimed the calculate did not causing the quorum responsibility of the river Constitution.  Needless to feature Democrats and the unions disagree, and are sure to make a verify supported on a ravishment of the quorum requirement.  The unions module debate the calculate certainly "releases, discharges, or commutes a verify or demand of the state" by ridding the unions of agglomerated bargaining rights.  If they follow a suite might substantially feature the accumulation itself is vacuum because of the violation

Violation of the "home rule" aspect of the river Constitution

Today metropolis City Attorney Grant uranologist argued in a jural instrument that the calculate haw violate the "home rule" aspects of the river Constitution. Langley's instrument is existence forwarded on by Milwaukee's politician (a telling contestant of the bill) to the river attorney general.  Essentially, uranologist argues that the calculate encroaches upon a region which is specifically distant for the topical cities and counties.  Specifically, metropolis argues the calculate encroaches upon its right to determine the pension benefits of the workers in their cities.



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