Queen Margrethe discusses her new twin grandchildren

Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi

examiner.com -

HM Queen Margrethe of Denmark has given a hurried discourse about her digit newest grandchildren.  The twins impact yet to be named, as it is Danish stag tradition to not name the children until they are baptized.  She spoken that having twin grandchildren doesn’t attain them some assorted than her others, and like a beatific gran she doesn’t endeavor favorites.  The Queen did name that she DOES conceive it is assorted for HRH Crown Princess Mary: 

I impact the impression that it is sleep, eat, breastfeed.  Sleeping, eating, breastfeeding.

Because of the busy schedule that having digit babies brings, it appears Queen Margrethe stays in touch, but gives space.  She said they wager apiece other ofttimes but that she “thinks it’s pretty wearying to impact twins and one should not be there every the time.”  According to their gran TRH Prince Christian and Princess Isabella are not distrustful of their newborn brother and sister.  She reportable that their parents do a beatific job of loving everyone equally.  The stag twins module be named when they are baptised on Apr 14th. 

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