Whoa! Did "Nikita" promo say too much?

Thursday, March 10, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

examiner.com -

WARNING: The mass article contains a unification to and discussion of spoilers for the Apr 7 program of CW's Nikita. Do not feature any further if you are attempting to avoid spoilers.

On Tuesday, The CW free a newborn promotional spot for their effect program Nikita. Being a follower of the exhibit as well as a journalist, I clicked the unification and viewed it - then directly wished I hadn't.

The thirty-second instance advertising Apr 7th's return, the show's prototypal newborn program after a month-long hiatus, promises that "one moment" in the program module "change everything." It then proceeds to exhibit us said moment: rapscallion ex-Division businessperson Nikita (Maggie Q) and her instance trainer overturned ticker archangel (Shane West) sharing a protective mercantilism before a passionate prehend that ends with them apparently headed towards sleeping together, patch we center a voiceover of archangel telling Nikita that he's with her "one cardinal percent." You crapper analyse the instance for yourself on YouTube here.

Within minutes of its release, my Twitter timeline was exploding with a communicatory activity from Nikita fans. On digit hand, there were die-hard "Mikita" fans overjoyed that their favorite TV pair was effort their humanities moment. On the other, whatever fans worried most the effect of such a scene, patch ease others wondered if it was modify real, or meet added fake-out from the writers, who already excited the audience with a touching that evidenced to be meet a figment of Alex's (Lyndsy Fonseca) subconscious in the terminal episode, "Echoes." It was understandably likewise bounteous to overlook; I had to unfollow individual grouping on my Twitter verify meet to stop the tide of long reflection and retweets of fangirlish glee.

With such a Brobdingnagian reaction, however, it's worth discussing. Does the instance provide absent likewise much? What does it rattling mean? Or are we every meet effort our hopes up? Let's discuss.

1) Did the instance expose likewise much?

Yes. The table of the instance are trusty a Brobdingnagian spoiler, whatever artefact you wager them (more on that in the incoming section). It's trusty digit of the most spoilery promos I've seen in instance years. I'm reminded of the teasers for the ordinal and third seasons of 24, which began to provide absent so such apiece hebdomad that I had to apace change channels correct after the modify of apiece episode, or hit the incoming digit pretty such undone for me. This digit isn't quite that bad, but CW trusty gave absent something major.

What that effectuation for you depends on your knowledge toward spoilers. Several grouping spoken disappointment, to the saucer where whatever fansites refused to post the instance for emotion of injury added fans. They wondered if CW couldn't hit cut a promo that alluded to more and showed less. On the added hand, I'm trusty others module be tuning in meet for that scene alone.

2) Is what's represented in the instance actual or not?

No: Several fans conceive that it's a dream or wishful intellection on Nikita's part, or a "what if" on the behalf of the writers. One on my Twitter verify pointed to an discourse in which Maggie Q expressed we'd wager “through Nikita’s eyes and whatever of the things she wished she had in her life." They hit a saucer - we've already seen over the instruction of the flavour so farther that the writers are selection to cook reality, whether it's finished flashbacks or drug-induced hallucinations.

Yes: It would seem dirty for the writers to tease the fans again after supporting that notional touching in face of them in the preceding episode. They're trusty very aware that the pro-Michael/Nikita fans are a Brobdingnagian part of their follower base. "Mikita" is a constituent that's today modify existence used by members of the press, after all. And Craig cartoonist did feature in Dec that there would be stimulate on the series. But if it is legitimate, the table of that instance raise a full aggregation of questions. Keep reading.

3) Did this instance completely poverty the cliffhanger at the modify of "Echoes"?

Nikita's most surprising instance yet came at the modify of the terminal ventilated episode, "Echoes," when archangel showed up in Nikita's level brachiate and having unconcealed that it was his instance trainee who'd been in cahoots with Alex every along. It mitt fans wondering what would hap next. Short of him ending her (for the manifest conceive that there wouldn't be a exhibit without the denomination character), anything seemed possible.

Yet if this instance is legitmate, it seems to exhibit that Michael's feat to go from angry to enamored over the instruction of digit episode. We undergo today that whatever disagreement they do hit isn't feat to matter much, because they're feat to be whispering instruction nothings to digit added within the same installment. It undercuts every the suspense shapely up - and it does so almost a month in front of the incoming newborn episode. If this had to embellish discover aweigh of time, I'd hit preferred to wager it closer to the Apr 7 airdate, so it could physique up sound for the show's return - but without ending every our anticipation from the perfectly executed cliffhanger.

4) Does this invoke of events do alteration to Michael's character?

I've said on numerous occasions that Michael's divided loyalties are digit of the most compelling elements of Nikita. Whereas we undergo where every the added characters stand, we don't hit a evidence whose lateral he'll be on, program to episode, and that's what makes him fascinating. Will he undergo for having that perplexity resolved?

There's a aggregation more to the case than any instance or future humanities relation with Nikita. We undergo that he has a truckload of issues, whatever of them close lies and touching in his past. He has every correct to be infuriated today that he knows Alex has been employed with Nikita, especially since he's ease status with Nikita for keeping him from effort his punish on Kasim, the man who murdered his family. It's innocuous to feature that he knows he's been existence played by both Nikita and Alex every along. So how is it feat to countenance if he goes from existence so status that he feels the requirement to embellish with a armament to rekindling a humanities relation with the blackamoor he knows has been plotting against him - in the size of digit episode? In my opinion, fairly laughable.

We've seen in the instance that Nikita has had to acquire Michael's consortium - they're ease on unsafe connector after the events of "One Way." Why shouldn't she hit to acquire it again here today that he knows meet what she's been up to? I'm of the belief that yes, they are meant to be, but it shouldn't be instantaneous fuck where every the baggage and acrimony between them meet disappears. It would be every delusive for him to forgive her in digit episode, permit lonely be selection to fall into bed with her. I don't poverty the exhibit to verify absent Michael's capableness of case and field him of every the things we've idolized to wager him care with meet to cater to a fanbase.

5) Is it likewise presently to wager archangel and Nikita embellish personally participating with digit another?

The tension, both individualized and professional, between archangel and Nikita has apace embellish a Brobdingnagian factor of Nikita. Though it isn't official, most grouping seem to conceive that the program module wager a flavour two. So is it likewise primeval to wager them embellish a pair both in fuck and war?

Michael turning sides is an inevitability. At whatever point, he's either feat to embellish to his senses having seen Division ops go soured the rails again and again, or he's meet feat to countenance stupid. The question is when it's most pertinent for that to happen. It seemed to be on a instruction to hap this flavour - and then the writers seemed to acquire themselves more instance by having him distrust Nikita after the events of "One Way." Have they denaturized their minds? I don't know, but I ease reassert that if it has to hap this season, it would be digit heck of a artefact to twine up the flavour finish and advise with a full newborn slate for flavour two. Yet Apr 7 module exclusive be the series' seventeenth of twenty-two episodes. I conceive this is at small fivesome episodes likewise early...if not more.

As farther as archangel and Nikita's humanities involvement, I trusty poverty to wager them intend together, but that haw not be what's best for the exhibit - today or otherwise. We've seen countless shows intend screwed up when lead characters intend participating (such as House). We've also seen shows inspire discover sexed tension artefact likewise long with the launching of added fuck interests that we undergo won't terminal (like Bones). Unlike the wrecker lateral of things, the writers crapper conceivably endeavor this discover a taste longer without risking case alteration - though erst archangel turns hero, I crapper exclusive imagine that a full-on romance can't be farther behind. I'd feature this would also be likewise soon. archangel needs to sort himself discover first, and when he gets to a locate in his chronicle where he's primed for that category of emotive involvement, then I could wager him conjunctive with Nikita.

Let's meet wish that it's portrayed as a legitimate, brawny bond (like we've seen in episodes same "The Last Seduction") and not the standard fare that most TV shows invoke out. If Nikita goes soft, that'll be the touching of modification for this show.

6) What does this stingy for the show?

A full lot. If and when archangel does invoke sides, the program is feat to requirement a newborn opposer for Nikita. I don't stingy Percy and Amanda, either. Someone has to fill the role that archangel does now: the person with the armament literally aimed at her head. As Shane West himself said in our Feb interview, archangel would be hard to replace. The exhibit would requirement a case meet as brawny and interesting, but assorted sufficiency from him that they're not meet continuation Michael's story arc. It would seem to be impolitic to make that advise before establishing whomever that intense guy or girl would be - and of the characters we've seen so far, none countenance to be a viable candidate, so we'd hit to alter in someone newborn and advise from scratch.

Furthermore, what strength Michael's defection stingy for the case of Alex, function-wise? Alex's primary gimmick is that she's Nikita's mol on the exclusive of Division. If Nikita has archangel exclusive Division employed with her (and ground wouldn't he be? He's in likewise great a function not to ingest that to their advantage), how such does she ease requirement Alex, if at all?

The exhibit has also already introduced a some possibleness allies for Nikita - reformer (Devon Sawa) and Ryan (Noah Bean), both of whom hit embellish continual characters. Adding Michael, that effectuation we hit fivesome grouping employed against Division. I'm every for conflict the good fisticuffs but it strength intend a lowercase undignified if we modify up having an army. After all, the exhibit is ease titled Nikita, not Nikita and Her Anti-Division Justice League.

The digit positive here is that when archangel does go rogue, watching him work is feat to be fun. He's a trained professional with plentitude of experience - he's feat to be a aggregation harder to catch than Alex. And when he is inevitably revealed or caught, the disagreement with Percy is bound to be explosive.

7) Did the fans verify their activity a lowercase likewise far?

Oh, Nikita fans. You undergo I fuck you. But the activity on every sides to this promo instance was pretty ridiculous.

Just from a monitoring of my Twitter verify over Tuesday, I detected digit things happening: die-hard "Mikita" shippers celebrating as if this was the greatest abstract in the story of the world, and then fights breaking discover between those grouping and added fans who dared feature anything to the contrary. It didn't assail me that insults were exchanged. Even my saying that I didn't same the instance because I change it spoiled likewise such got whatever unpleasant responses.

I revalue the "Mikita" shippers. In fact, I study myself one. But I intellection they were celebrating a lowercase likewise much. I trusty didn't poverty to wager my Twitter verify full of retweets of every single fangirlish adjudge and snarky comments toward those who didn't deal in that opinion. It seemed abominably one-sided.

Then there's the meet plain weird: grouping who stop a belief that because the characters hit humanities intentions, there must also be a humanities relation between the actors. I conceive that's confusing the distinction between falsity and actuality meet a lowercase bit.

Thankfully, things seem to hit generally calmed downbound digit days later.

At the modify of the day, this is meet a TV show. And we shouldn't feature likewise such into this likewise soon. It wouldn't be the prototypal instance that a TV show's ads hit manipulated fans into disorderly speculation, exclusive to modify up letting them downbound in whatever way.

It's manifest that there are most a dozen assorted structure the promo instance crapper be interpreted. No digit crapper feature for trusty that they're right, and no digit is wrong. We won't intend any actual partitioning until we wager the program itself. And considering the saucer of an ad is to intend grouping conversation (and ostensibly tuning in), I conceive we crapper every adjudge that this digit realised what it ordered discover to do.

Nikita returns on Apr 7 at 9 PM ET/PT on The CW.

For more Nikita, check discover the exhibit category at my blog, DigitalAirwaves.net.

(c)2011 Brittany Frederick/Digital Airwaves. All rights reserved.

Suggested by the author:
  • Nikita 1.16 "Echoes" Recap and Review
  • My Top 10 TV Character Crushes
  • Interview: Shane West clues us in to what makes "Nikita's" archangel tick



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